It was good. Damned good.
Recipe: Mirin-glazed Salmon
Nigella LawsonCome over. I'll make it for you. But you get to scale the salmon. That wasn't as fun as I thought it'd be. Obviously the top of the salmon was a good deal darker than I anticipated but that isn't burnt fish, that's caramelized mirin glaze. Ooh-de-lolly! The rice is jasmine rice (that's jasms to you, fam) and the salmon I got from a ritzy shopping center joined with the subway station closest to work. The lady was very helpful. Actually yesterday was the most successful shopping experience I've had here so far. Very nice. I bought the baby asparagus..ses? asparagii? asp... vegetables today as well as the mirin and the brown sugar. I haven't smelled real brown sugar for ages. It was intoxicating.

Anyhow, this plate lasted about 15 minutes under the scourge of my fork-wielding appetite. I had at it while watching Julia Child explain about cooking pâté inside a dough decorated to look like a branch and leaves. That's right. As I was eating, I was watching a cooking show. It's my favorite way to spend a meal. And you know, now that I'm cooking for myself, I'm not nearly as prone to eating dessert. After preparing to cook, cooking, eating and watching other people prepare, cook and eat, I am discovering that I am, to my surprise, full and satisfied. Eating out is great. Super convenient, etc. But it's nowhere near as satisfying or pleasurable. It's not an event and y'all know how much ol' Geoffwah likes events, especially when they center around food.

Now to introduce you to the lady who's put the well-sated smile on my lips and the turmeric in my cupboard: Nigella. She is sultriness. She is spices and honey and herbs and simmering sauces. She personifies the inviting smell of your mother's kitchen after mamaw's been cooking something extra special. She makes everything look easy and takes a sensible approach to ingredients and time-saving techniques in the kitchen that STILL allow you to eat well and, if you choose, healthily. Nigella's recipes, coupled with my morning exercise should lead me down the road to toe visibility in due time.
I look forward to that day, as I look forward to a day sometime soon when I can cook for you, loving reader, and leave you to do the dishes.
I would love for you to cook for me and I would even be happy to do the dishes!
remember that one time you came to my house (now your house) in korea and cooked? and then we watched 'something wicked this way comes'. not even nigella has experienced such awesomeness.
hi! im fran a spanish male fashion blogger. maybe you like my style and want to follow me...
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